How To Rotate Artboard In Illustrator?

Rotating an artboard in Adobe Illustrator is a task that might seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be accomplished smoothly. Whether you’re looking to create a different perspective for your design or simply want to switch from landscape to portrait mode, rotating the artboard can be essential. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to rotate an artboard in Illustrator.

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How To Rotate Artboard In Illustrator: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Open Your Project in Adobe Illustrator

Begin by launching Adobe Illustrator and opening the project that contains the artboard you wish to rotate. If you’re starting a new project, create a new artboard to work with.

2. Select the Artboard Tool

The next step involves selecting the Artboard Tool. You can find this tool in the Tools panel on the left side of the screen. It looks like a small square with dotted lines around it. Alternatively, you can press the keyboard shortcut Shift + O to quickly activate the Artboard Tool.

3. Choose the Artboard to Rotate

Once the Artboard Tool is activated, click on the artboard you wish to rotate. You’ll see the artboard’s boundaries highlighted with selection handles.

4. Open the Artboard Options

With your artboard selected, navigate to the Control panel at the top of the screen or right-click on the artboard and choose “Artboard Options.” This will open a dialog box where you can adjust various settings for your artboard.

5. Rotate the Artboard

In the Artboard Options dialog box, you’ll see options for the Width and Height of the artboard. While Illustrator doesn’t have a direct “rotate” feature for artboards, you can swap the values of the Width and Height to achieve a rotation effect. For example, if your current artboard size is 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall, change the Width to 600 pixels and the Height to 800 pixels. This will effectively rotate your artboard by 90 degrees.

6. Adjust the Artboard Orientation

If you’re working with multiple artboards or need more precise control, you can manually rotate the artboard by dragging the handles around the edges. Click and hold one of the corner handles and drag it to rotate the artboard. You’ll see a bounding box appear, indicating the new orientation.

Additional Tips for Rotating Artboards

Using the Transform Panel

The Transform panel in Illustrator can also be a useful tool for rotating artboards. After selecting the artboard, open the Transform panel (Window > Transform). Here, you can enter specific rotation values to achieve the desired angle.

Maintaining Content Orientation

When you rotate an artboard, the content within doesn’t automatically rotate with it. If you need your artwork to match the new orientation of the artboard, you will have to select all the content and rotate it manually. Use the Selection Tool (V), select all objects on the artboard, then use the Rotate Tool (R) to adjust their orientation.

Rotating Multiple Artboards

If your project contains multiple artboards that need to be rotated, you can do so individually by repeating the steps above for each artboard. Unfortunately, Illustrator doesn’t support batch rotation of artboards, so this process needs to be done one at a time.

Why Rotate Artboards?

Changing Perspectives

Rotating artboards can help you visualize your design from different angles. This is especially useful in projects where orientation affects the final output, such as brochures, posters, and UI designs.

Design Efficiency

Working in the correct orientation can streamline your design process. For example, if your project is better suited to a portrait orientation, rotating the artboard can save time and make it easier to align elements correctly.

Print and Digital Media

For print designs, rotating the artboard to match the final print orientation can ensure that everything lines up correctly. In digital media, rotating an artboard can help when designing for devices that might be used in different orientations, such as tablets and smartphones.


Rotating an artboard in Adobe Illustrator might require a few extra steps compared to other design tasks, but it’s an essential skill for any designer. By understanding how to adjust your artboard settings and manually rotate the content, you can ensure your projects are perfectly oriented for their intended use. Whether you’re swapping dimensions in the Artboard Options or manually adjusting the angle with the Transform panel, these techniques will help you achieve the desired layout and perspective for your designs.

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